The winter has been spent not only visiting Old Perlican NL, but also painting it when I returned home to Burlington. I had several paintings planned, but the new fodder from my winter trip inspired me toward a lovely distraction from the harbour, per se. I went just north of Old Perlican to Daniel's Cove, and looked back towards Old Perlican and it's incredible late afternoon western sky; my breath was taken away.  And I thought Newfoundland could be beautiful in the summer! This work will be called: "Cozy In Daniel's Cove". It is glaze oil and is 30"x40". The bone-chilling, formidable force of the winter ocean juxtaposes against this inviting habitation, perched onto the edge of the equally awe-inspiring drop of the cliff.  

Snow is a real treat to paint if you are glazing. I say...that glazing is always spectacular, but is particularly spectacular for water, skin and snow. I rarely paint snow, so this is fun. I still have lots of echelons of detail and colour to work out in both the snow and the water. Can hardly wait.

The other works in this picture are of Old Perlican Harbour. The little one in the middle will be called "Little Boat, Blue Water" and is 10"x12". The little boats always amaze me the most. What nerve it must take to take on the possible rages of the mighty ocean in these little boats.

To the right of this is "Fire in the Water" glaze oil, 12"x16" which will not be for sale. I have barely begun this work. On the Indian red primer ground that can still be seen in some places, I have carefully plotted out the waves. They are still very rough, and will need a multitude of glazes to refine the light structure, rendering, line and colour. I won't stop until I can feel the same awe as I did at the dock, in that minute.

I have been hankering to paint the little painting on the left, "Slick" glaze oil, 12"x16" for quite some time. The immediacy of the movement - the flash of a glance - and the profound simplicity yet complexity of the ripples on the water - these are what I just love about this subject. It is just so...slick. This painting is about half done. I will enjoy the challenges of the complex colour and light structure in the water.